XJeem Education ( Education Management System (EMS) Services )

XJeem EDU is unique solution developed for educational institutes to manage the functions like Content Management System, Student Management System, Online Examination, Library, Video Conferencing, Virtual Classroom, clickers, Kiosk etc. It includes processing, analyzing, and reporting of educational information including teacher, students, staff, and payroll library management etc.

Institutes Management System

XJeem Networks offer complete Cloud based Solution for institutes which Student Enrollment, Multi Branch Operation, Course Configuration, Scheduling, Petty Cash, and Library, fee Collection, Teacher – Parents Communication System, Teacher Payroll and Taxation. Ideal solution for Institutes, school and colleges.

Learning Management System

XJeem Networks offer Learning Management System where you can configure your own e-learning course with videos, Online Test, Flash cards, Analytical Reports, Student enrollment, Online Payments, Payment through Coupons, One Click Fee/Payments App, Teacher student communication through Skype, Partner and franchise management.

E-Learning Video / Multimedia

XJeem Networks has it team of multimedia and video editing professional. Developed your e-learning video Advertisement, with your own logo and content.


XJeem Networks Learning Management System offers Kiosk service acts like virtual assistant. This system is integrated with Learning Management System and Institute Management System. It helps to register website information, entries, logs etc.

Content Management System

XJeem Networks’ CMS is an educational content management system. It has 100% control over all the content. It has creative aspects of your website. By using XJeem Networks content management system you can be able to create, edit, delete, and organize your web pages.

Virtual Class Room

XJeem Networks offers virtual classroom services which works on low bandwidth. It includes all the participants and creates an environment similar to classroom it also provides paper – pencil or blackboard like screens. It has features like record, play, stop, fast forward, backward etc. It keeps the log of each session.