ERP for Auto Industry | XJeem
Automation ( A complete solution for Auto industry! )
While auto industry has modernized and automatized tremendously, the technological solutions to monitor tens of processes involving hundreds of parts is not as strong as the growth this industry is seeing. This is the reason with worked with leading automobile manufacturers and created a scalable solution that has its foundations on speed, accuracy and transparency.
Whether big or small, Xjeem Auto aims to be the answer for the needs of auto industry in information technology sector through the following features:
Comprehensive Purchase & Inventory Modules
From purchase requisition to goods receiving and payment, the XJeem Auto aims to streamline all the parts purchasing that happens in your industry. Get multiple quotations and compare them to ensure the best quality and cost is ordered. And even once a part comes in the inventory, issue notes ensure that no part gets misplaced and there is complete transparency.

In-depth Production Module
Our working with industry leaders allowed us to create a scalable solution where even the tiniest process of manufacturing an auto can be created, recorded and linked with the other modules like accounts and inventory. Along with that you can set approvals for each process ensure quality checks are happening at each stage.
Extensive Reports and MIS
Our XJeem Auto comes with most comprehensive ERP reporting functionalities. With them you can easily monitor which process of the company is currently in which particular stage. Check all the pending and awaiting approval documentations and streamline your company processes.